Resource Hub

Useful resources on VAWG prevention

This Resource Hub serves practitioners, policymakers, researchers and activists who are committed to prevent violence against women and girls in Southern Africa.

It compiles learnings from the PfP programme and its partners. Resources are curated by PfP and can take the format of e.g. learning or policy briefs, short or full reports, journal articles, tools and multimedia.

Enjoy reading!



2024 SADC Conference Video: Advancing Data and Evidence for GBV Prevention and SRHR in Southern Africa
Date: 05/08/2024
South Africa Multimedia

A video of the Conference.

Keywords: SADC Conference Video
Report Regional Conference 2024 - Advancing Data and Evidence for GBV Prevention and SRHR in Southern Africa EN
Date: 05/08/2024
South Africa Conference Presentation

The Regional Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Conference themed “Advancing Data and Evidence for GBV Prevention and SRHR in Southern Africa” was convened on 6 and 7 March 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Co-hosted by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) through its regional programme “Partnerships for Prevention of Gender-Based Violence in Southern Africa” (PfP II), in collaboration with the European Union, Ford Foundation, Sweden, and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI). The conference brought together 177 participants from all 16 SADC Member States representing various sectors, including government, civil society, development partners, and researchers.

Keywords: Advancing Data and Evidence for GBV Prevention and SRHR in Southern Africa
Report Regional Conference 2024 - Advancing Data and Evidence for GBV Prevention and SRHR in Southern Africa FR
Date: 05/08/2024
South Africa Conference Presentation

La Conférence régionale sur la prévention de la violence basée sur le genre (VBG), intitulée « faire progresser les données et les preuves pour la prévention de la VBG et la SSR en Afrique australe », a été organisée les 6 et 7 mars 2024 à Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud. Co-organisé par le Secrétariat de la Communauté de développement de l’Afrique australe (SADC) et la Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) à travers son programme régional “partenariats pour la prévention de la violence sexiste en Afrique australe” (PPP II), en collaboration avec l’Union européenne, la Fondation Ford, Suède, et l’Initiative de recherche sur la violence sexuelle (SVRI). La conférence a rassemblé 177 participants des 16 États membres de la SADC représentant divers secteurs, y compris les gouvernements, la société civile, les partenaires de développement et les chercheurs.

Keywords: Développement de données probantes pour la prévention de la violence basée sur le genre et la santé sexuelle et reproductive dans la région de l’Afrique australe
Report Regional Conference 2024 - Advancing Data and Evidence for GBV Prevention and SRHR in Southern Africa PT
Date: 05/08/2024
South Africa Conference Presentation

A Conferência Regional de Prevenção da Violência com Base no Género (VBG) com o tema “Avanço de Dados e Evidências para a Prevenção da VBG e SRHR na África Austral” foi convocada a 6 e 7 de Março de 2024 em Joanesburgo, África do Sul. Co-organizada pelo Secretariado da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC) e pela Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) através do seu programa regional “Parcerias para a Prevenção da Violência com Base no Género na África Austral” (PfP II), em colaboração com a União Europeia, Fundação Ford, Suécia, e a Iniciativa de Investigação sobre Violência Sexual (SVRI). A conferência reuniu 177 participantes de todos os 16 Estados Membros da SADC, representando vários sectores, incluindo o governo, a sociedade civil, os parceiros de desenvolvimento e os investigadores.

Keywords: Progresso de dados e provas para a Prevenção da Violência Baseada no Género e SRHR na Região da África Austral
Handbook to Promote Effective Gender-Based Violence Prevention Initiatives in the SADC Region
Date: 01/02/2024
South Africa Tool

The SADC Secretariat has developed this Handbook to provide guidance to SADC Member States and other stakeholders on effective GBV prevention strategies and approaches. The Handbook identifies key entry points for effective GBV prevention, including at household, community and societal levels.

Keywords: SADC Handbook, Programming, GBV Prevention, Implementation, Coordination
By: SADC, The Ford Foundation, PfP
Date: 30/11/2021
South Africa Conference Presentation

The SADC Secretariat, in collaboration with the Ford Foundation and the PfP programme, organised an online regional workshop on coordination of GBV prevention, which took place in March 2021. The main aim of the regional  workshop was to generate awareness and understanding of coordinated, multidisciplinary GBV prevention mechanisms and actions across key sectors and governance levels.
The workshop was attended by more than 80 SADC delegates from all 16 SADC Member States. Presentations and discussions around good practices and lessons learnt on GBV coordination mechanisms were shared, to provide entry points for adaptations to suit each country’s context.

This reports captures the main takeaways and findings.  

Keywords: Gender-Based Violence, Prevention, Coordination, Mechanisms
POLICY BRIEF: Engaging Religious and Traditional Actors to reduce the acceptance of violence against women and girls: Lessons learnt from Zambia
By: PfP
Date: 12/11/2021
Zambia Policy Brief

This policy briefs provides programmers and policy-makers alike hands-on recommendations on gender-based violence  prevention and work with religious and traditonal actors in Zambia, which is anchored in evidence-based research and specific implementation experience in Zambia.

Keywords: Religious and Traditonal Actors, Gender-Based Violence, Prevention
POLICY BRIEF: School-based Gender-Based Violence Prevention in South Africa
By: PfP
Date: 07/11/2021
South Africa Policy Brief

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a widespread violation of human rights in South Africa, which also occurs in schools. Yet, schools are recognized as an important entry point for GBV prevention activities. A school-based intervention may prevent violence in schools and influence communities overall through educators, learners and parents/caregivers. A multisectoral and coordinated approach aimed at working with a diverse set of stakeholders is fundamental in preventing GBV to ensure the safety of school learners.

This policy brief provides programmers and policy makers concrete, hands-on recommendations how successful school-based GBV prevention work can be realized.

Keywords: School, Gender-Based Violence, Prevention
POLICY BRIEF: Addressing gender-based violence & food (in)security: Lessons from promising African projects
By: PfP
Date: 03/11/2021
Lesotho Policy Brief

The information presented in the Policy Brief on Food (In)Security and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is anchored in the systematic literature review “Links between Food insecurity and Violence Against Women in Low- and Middle-Income Settings” commissioned by PfP and focuses on Sub-Saharan Africa, synthesizing hands-on recommendations for programmers and policy-makers alike.

Keywords: Prevention, Gender-Based Violence, Food Insecurity
Policy Brief on GBV Prevention: Lesotho Gender & Development Policy 2018-2030
By: Lesotho Ministry of Gender and Youth, Sports and Recreation
Date: 29/10/2021
Lesotho Policy Brief

This policy brief on GBV is a succinct text that aims to provide clarity to all gender
practitioners and activists on GBV status and prescribed response measures.

The constitution of Lesotho as the supreme law of the land is committed to social and gender justice. At the international and regional level, there exist a series of instruments that protect women and girls against gender-based violence (GBV). Lesotho is a signatory to most of the commitments in these instruments and has a horde of legislative and policy frameworks to address GBV. Lesotho is undertaking comprehensive measured steps to address gender inequality in all its manifestations through the Gender and Development Policy 2018-2030 as encompassing and overarching policy instrument. Gender-based violence continues to be a challenge in a number of ways from: achieving food security, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and national and global human security.

Keywords: Guidance; GBV prevention, Lesotho
Factsheet PfP Zambia - GBV Prevention - Communications Flagship
By: PfP
Date: 15/10/2021
Zambia Other

Considering the magnitude of VAWG in Southern Africa, a broad-based approch is at the core for effective non-fragmented results. The regional programme Partnerships for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls in Southern Africa (PfP) therefore sup-ports the formation of multi-stakeholder initiatives. These initia-tives bring together government institutions, civil society organi-zations (CSOs), private sector actors, the media and academia to combine efforts of financial and technical contributions to pre-vent VAWG. In Zambia, the VAWG Communication flagship supports the MoGD with re-institutionalizing the ‘Clearing House’ at national level and developing structures for a ‘Clearing House’ at provincial and district levels to ensure that messages on VAWG are coordinated, coherent, contextualized and of high quality.

Learn more in this factsheet.

Keywords: GBV prevention; communication; clearing house
Factsheet PfP Zambia - GBV Prevention - Police Flagship
By: PfP
Date: 15/10/2021
Zambia Other

Under the regional programme “Partnerships for Preven-tion of Violence Against Women and Girls in Southern Africa” (PfP), a flagship project for training police officers on prevention of GBV was developed by the Zambia Police Service (ZPS) with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The initiative aims at changing police officers’ attitudes to recognize GBV as unacceptable and capacitating offic-ers with skills to effectively handle and prevent GBV cases.

Learn more in this factsheet.

Keywords: police training, GBV prvention
Factsheet PfP Zambia - GBV Prevention - Religious and Traditional Actors Flagship
By: PfP
Date: 15/10/2021
Zambia Other

The flagship ‘Religious and traditional actors preventing VAWG’ brings together religious actors representing vari-
ous faiths and denominations as well as traditional authorities (tribal chiefs). The initiative is coordinated under the Provincial District Gender Sub-Committee with involvement of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs. The NGO Caritas acts as the key implementing agency and coordinates the activities. The flagship project is a joint initiative with the GIZ Sector Programme ‘Values and Religion in Development Cooperation’.

Considering the magnitude of VAWG in Southern Africa, a broad-based approch is at the core for effective non-fragmented results. The regional programme ‘Partnerships for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls in Southern Africa’ (PfP) supports the formation of multi-stakeholder initiatives, which bring together government institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs), private sector actors, the media and academia to combine efforts of financial and technical contributions to prevent VAWG.

Read more in the factsheet.

Keywords: GBV prevention; religious and traditional actors
Report Regional Conference 2019: Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls in Southern Africa - From Evidence to Action
By: PfP
Date: 26/10/2020
South Africa Conference Presentation

The regional programme “Partnerships for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls in Southern Africa” (PfP) hosted the regional conference in collaboration with SADC, MRC, DFID, the Canadian High Commission and the Ford Foundation. It was held in Johannesburg, South Africa 4-5 December 2019.  

The conference brought together more than 200 participants from 14 countries and across different sectors: development partners, government officials and parliamentarians, UN agencies, civil society organizations, researchers, media and private sector representatives, as well as traditional and religious leaders. This unique space was used to exchange experiences and explore ways to implement effective and promising practices to address VAWG. If you want to learn more on the findings, do not miss out on reading the conference report.

Keywords: Conference, regional, report, evidence
Towards Gender-Sensitive Storytelling in South African Entertainment Media - Hindering and Enabling Factors for more Gendersensitive and Non-Stereotyped Content. (Full Report)
By: Aniela Batschari
Date: 23/09/2020
South Africa Research Report

The study aimed at gaining a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities experienced in the South African entertainment television sector when creating and producing gender-sensitive and non-stereotyped stories and informing the industry on how to promote more gender-sensitive content and the portrayal of characters in non-stereotypical roles. The study followed a two-phase mixed-methods approach that included consultations, a literature review, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with representatives from the film and media sector.

Keywords: Gender equality, GBV, Media
Stakeholder Network Analysis - Zimbabwe
By: Produced by Syspons GmbH
Date: 22/09/2020
Zimbabwe Research Report

To gain insights into key stakeholders in Zimbabwe working on the prevention of and response to violence against women and girls (VAWG), their cooperation and capacity needs, the GIZ Partnerships for Prevention (PfP) programme commissioned Syspons GmbH to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder and network analysis. The analysis identified key stakeholders’ efforts to prevent VAWG, examined their activities and forms of engagements, analysed the extent and quality of cooperation between stakeholders and identified capacity needs for increased cooperation. 

Keywords: network analysis, quality of cooperation
Towards Gender-Sensitive Storytelling in South African Entertainment Media - Hindering and Enabling Factors for more Gendersensitive and Non-Stereotyped Content.
By: Aniela Batschari, Luxolo Matomela, Annabelle Metzner, Maximilian Vogt
Date: 31/08/2020
South Africa Learning Brief

The study aimed at gaining a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities experienced in the South African entertainment television sector when creating and producing gender-sensitive and non-stereotyped stories and informing the industry on how to promote more gender-sensitive content and the portrayal of characters in non-stereotypical roles. The study followed a two-phase mixed-methods approach that included consultations, a literature review, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with representatives from the film and media sector. 

Keywords: Gender equality, GBV, Media
The effects of COVID-19 on gender-based violence (GBV)
By: Partnerships for Prevention in collaboration with SADC Gender Unit
Date: 06/05/2020
0 Multimedia

This brief video describes the link between COVID-19 and gender-based violence (GBV) as well as the important role different stakeholders, communities, families and individuals can play to prevent and address GBV.

Watch the video on YouTube: 

Keywords: COVID-19, GBV, lockdown, helpline
Reporting Guideline on the Gendered Impacts of COVID-19
By: GIZ Partnerships for Prevention in collaboration with UN Women
Date: 22/04/2020
South Africa Guidance

South Africa and the world is grappling with the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic on every sphere of life. In the day to day reporting on COVID-19, the impact on women, girls and gender non-conforming persons can at times be invisible. The guideline provides guidance to journalists, content producers, media creatives and editors on how to report on the gendered impact of COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19, Gender equality, GBV, Media
Gender Diversity and GBV in South African Television
By: Compiled by GIZ Partnerships for Prevention
Date: 01/12/2019
South Africa Learning Brief

Gender Links undertook extensive reserach on current dynamics of gender representation, stereotyping and the portrayal of GBV in South African television. The key findings of the study reflect the unequal gender dynamics at play within broader society. Gender stereotypes are still prevalent, women’s voices are heard less and decision making still lies with men. Women compromise 77% of programme creators but just 15% of directors in entertainment, broadly, content creation remains a “man’s world”.

Keywords: Gender equality, GBV, Media
The role of religious and traditional actors in the prevention of violence against women and girls in Zambia, Southern Province
By: Compiled by GIZ Partnerships for Prevention, GIZ Sector Programme Values, Religion and Development
Date: 01/12/2019
Zambia Learning Brief

In its efforts to support contextually relevant approaches to prevent VAWG, the GIZ programme Partnerships for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls and the GIZ Sector Programme Values, Religion and Development commissioned a religious and traditional actors mapping (RTAM) in the Southern Province of Zambia. The mapping explored existing efforts of religious and traditional leaders and faith-based organisations (FBOs) in the context of gender-based violence and VAWG. In so doing, the analysis aims at providing  recommendations for engaging with religious and traditional leaders and actors and FBOs in the context of VAWG.

Keywords: Religious and Traditional Actors Mapping
User-centred development of digital solutions for the prevention of violence against women and girls in Lesotho
By: Compiled by GIZ Partnerships for Prevention
Date: 01/12/2019
Lesotho Learning Brief

Since beginning of 2018, PfP supports the ‘Nokaneng’- flagship, an initiative that brings together government, non-governmental and private sector actors in Lesotho, and supports their joint efforts to reducing the acceptance of VAWG. ‘Nokaneng’ includes three components: Digital solutions, media and community-based interventions. This learning brief documents lessons from the conceptualisation and development process of digital solutions to address VAWG in Lesotho.

Keywords: Digital solutions, smartphone app, SMS
Gender Diversity and GBV in South African Television
By: GIZ Partnerships for Prevention in collaboration with UN Women and Gender Links
Date: 31/05/2019
South Africa Research Report

Gender Links undertook extensive reserach on current dynamics of gender representation, stereotyping and the portrayal of GBV in South African television. The key findings of the study reflect the unequal gender dynamics at play within broader society. Gender stereotypes are still prevalent, women’s voices are heard less and decision making still lies with men. Women compromise 77% of programme creators but just 15% of directors in entertainment, broadly, content creation remains a “man’s world”.

Keywords: Gender equality, GBV, Media
Stakeholder Network Analysis - Lesotho
By: Produced by Syspons GmbH
Date: 30/11/2018
Lesotho Research Report

To gain insights into key stakeholders in Lesotho working on the prevention of and response to violence against women and girls (VAWG), their cooperation and capacity needs, the GIZ Partnerships for Prevention (PfP) programme commissioned Syspons GmbH to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder and network analysis. The analysis identified key stakeholders’ efforts to prevent VAWG, examined their activities and forms of engagements, analysed the extent and quality of cooperation between stakeholders and identified capacity needs for increased cooperation.

Keywords: network analysis, quality of cooperation
Stakeholder Network Analysis - South Africa
By: Produced by Syspons GmbH
Date: 30/11/2018
South Africa Research Report

To gain insights into key stakeholders in South Africa working on the prevention of and response to violence against women and girls (VAWG), their cooperation and capacity needs, the GIZ Partnerships for Prevention (PfP) programme commissioned Syspons GmbH to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder and network analysis. The analysis identified key stakeholders’ efforts to prevent VAWG, examined their activities and forms of engagements, analysed the extent and quality of cooperation between stakeholders and identified capacity needs for increased cooperation.

Keywords: network analysis, quality of cooperation
Stakeholder Network Analysis - Zambia
By: Produced by Syspons GmbH
Date: 30/11/2018
Zambia Research Report

To gain insights into key stakeholders in Zambia, Southern Province, working on the prevention of and response to violence against women and girls (VAWG), their cooperation and capacity needs, the GIZ Partnerships for Prevention (PfP) programme commissioned Syspons GmbH to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder and network analysis. The analysis identified key stakeholders’ efforts to prevent VAWG, examined their activities and forms of engagements, analysed the extent and quality of cooperation between stakeholders and identified capacity needs for increased cooperation.

Keywords: network analysis, quality of cooperation
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